Welcome everyone on my blog, I'm Muneeb from TechMuneeb and today we're taking a very special look at the Samsung Galaxy S 105g and today's very powerful video talking about the accessibility featuresyou're gonna find on this device and throughout the s10 range how do you knowthis is an s10 5g well if you're in a 5g area you're going to get 5g up hereinstead of 4G and also you get an extra camera lens on the back which is atime-of-flight sensor but more about that in my review but let's go throughthe accessibility settings today what I'm going to do first of all is makesure the volume is all the way up so you can hear the voice assistant when usingthat and if you press and hold both volume Keys together so you got voice assistant is now on andavailable to use so you can change the levels of volumes still as well if youwant see she's fine so is now hidden we can go through our 1 UI home himmessages notifications internet camera custom current location Prince'sRisborough current temperature 18 degree mostly cloudy weather updated 24 + 9 1332 double tap for more information so highlights everything to me that'shighlighted in that box tells me everything gives me the options as wellwhat I need to do then to carry on using two fingers swipe across you can swipeacross all the way to your bigs behind here tells you your home page you canalso highlight up here at the top 13:37 battery 98% so it will tell youeverything also you this will read back multiple different things for you whenyou're in settings as well wherever you are in your device it willhelp use two fingers screem page 1 of 2 then use 2 fingers again page 2 of 2election no double tap to activate screen page 1 of 2 default page so thatwas the voice assistant that we find on our device and that can be turned on andoff in settings as well as using the volume controls here but with the powerperformance behind the s10 5g this will run so smoothly and you won't have anyissues to turn off use them controls buttons again it will let yo uknow the voice assistant is off.
So let's carry on and go through more thesettings so swipe up we're in our applications here you can also searchfor this as well but we're going to go into settings in settings scroll all theway down and you have accessibility here click on accessibility and it splitsinto different sections which I really find really helpful so no matter yourability your realtor might be visual impaired like myself or you might behearing impaired you might have dexterity and interaction sort ofcondition so you might need to go into different settings to change them butSamsung and the one UI system here splits it into ideal nice littlecategories which I think is really helpful so slightly off the top is thescreen reader so you've got the voice assistant which we went through it doesoffer you a tutorial as well so once toggled on it will give you a tutorialand you can go through the tutorial options underneath that then you havesettings you have text-to-speech option as well that you can toggle on this canchange your speech rate and your pitch and you can test it and then you canchange that to make that a lot faster so some people are able to use that theycan even go even faster that as well be hit reset here and it'll reset back todefault you got verbosity you've got shake forcontinuous reading you got speak your passwords you can read caller ID outaloud so if someone was calling me I can read it out loud that helps thevibration feedback options in here as well sound feedback focus on speechaudio focus indicator you've got a single tap activation as well you haveloads of different settings in here loads of different options that you cango through and actually change and adjust a lot more than what you're gonnafind on a normal talkback option where you see talkback on other Androiddevices this is more in-depth and really well put together from Samsung and ofcourse
Google that they've worked together with to bring all thesesettings together so coming back here so that was voice assistant and I dorecommend using that if you do need it the next option we're gonna go into isvisibility enhancements inside here you have a high contrast theme as your firstoption so we've got none if we select number one here it will take me into theSamsung store where you can download the theme of courseis for free and it shows you little previews here of what it will look likeyou can tap to make it bigger and again this just depends what's best for youreyesight and what's best for your condition also they do have anotheroption also people will upload themes anyway and you can change and adjust thethemes depending on you as well but Samsung do come pre-installed with acouple of different options there that you can download really impressed to seethat straight away you then have high contrast fonts so you can toggle this onokay so what high contrast font does is make it a black text on a white background whereas I prefer the other way around so if I toggle this off it'sgonna go back to that dark parade I prefer white text on a black backgroundyou got a high contrast keyboard so inside here you can change and adjust ifwe toggle on here you can use any one of these making it really easy and simple to do as well whatever one's best for you that you can choose from inside herenice that Samsung take the effort and put more options in show button shapesI'm gonna toggle this on and that you'll notice that slightly changes once that's toggled on or off you then have negative colors so if I toggle this on I'm gonnahit OK because this is different to dark mode so if I come home nowyou'll see it's all negative colors if we go back here go back into here turnthis off there you go going back home you'll see it's a standard it's only themenu options that turn into the dark mode here making it easier for you touse again it all depends on your choice again coming to choice this is whereSamsung are really cared really striving for words so you have color just so you can turn this on and you can go through any one of these options to choose from.
You also have a color panel as well so you can really change and adjust thisdepending on your options underneath that has a color lens again you cantoggle this on you can go through a color lens depending on your eyesightand depending what's easier for you to read again coming home you'll seethere's a slight tinge over the display there and hopefully it's bringing it upwith the lighting that I have here so let's go back we're gonna toggle thisoff and it's going to reset to my preferred option I don't want to saynormal underneath that is remove animations so you can remove animationsif you so wish to it's what I mean by thisis when you actually press this topic on able to toggle it on there's noflashiness of a like a swipe over moving down you did see quickly their magnifierwindow so you have a window that you can manipulate and move around also you canchange the size you can lock it into place and also you can cancel it out soit's a really nice option there if you just want to have a little window to tapon and actually then change or adjust coming into here most of these optionshave deeper settings as well so this is a quick overview but always jump in anddelve in and look at the settings on trying to show as much as I can actuallykeeping it under an hour long because there are so many settings on him shehave magnify sighs you have horizontal focus lock as well you have followtyping focus so different options become available to you then you have magnification so you have triple tap screen magnifier so if we turn this onone two three three quick taps and with as beautiful s AMOLED panel here reallyzooms in and you can just see how crisp and clean that text is still at thatlarge size one two three to come back there's also another option one twothree hold on the third one that will zoom in for you it sort of saves to thesort of high esteem it can go maneuver around release with one finger and itjumps back for you a really good magnify option there thenthere's tap button to magnify so we turn this on here you're gonna get a newlittle accessibility man down here the bottom hello tap him tap here there wego we're now zoomed in you can use two fingers as well to pinch and zoom maneuver your way around even with one finger I think we're - it just seems alittle bit easier but then just tap down here back to standard to great ways ofmagnification there on your device underneath that you've got large mouseor touchpad pointer so you can use a mouse or touchpad pointer to youmani.
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